A Presentation Pending Completion.
If we do not fix the current fundamentals, would adding more guidelines, rules and regulations onto brokers and agents bring us a better insurance industry, and also for consumers?
People have been talking about change, disruption and transformation of insurance business and the industry. These are just like “scratching the itchy leg from outside the leather boot”! (隔靴搔癢) I think, what the industry needs is a long-overdue revolution!
Three (3) EXAMPLES, selected amongst many
How to make Insurtech work? I mean, properly!
Just like Insurance Business, the way it is?
To use and take advantage of people's ignorance and inability? And to create more?
What have god or gods had anything to do with it?
How the current 'Insurance Universe' began! An example showing also how the seed of unreasoning was being sown in its traditional "Business Model".